ïðåäûäóùàÿ ãëàâàñîäåðæàíèåñëåäóþùàÿ ãëàâà


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3. Anon. 1961. Virus diseases of soft fruits. East Mailing Research Station, Report for 1960, p. 29.

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13. Blackford F. W. 1939. Virus disease of the strawberry Queensland Agr. Jour., 51. 173 - 176.

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21. Braun A. J. 1962. Transmission of viruses to strawberry by excised leaf grafts from plants other than strawberry. Phytopathology, 52, 726. [Abstr.]

22. Breakev E. P., Campbell L. 1951. Suppression of strawberry yellows by controlling the aphid vector Capitophorus fragaefolii Ckll. Plant Disease Reptr., 35, 63 - 69.

23. Âreeñe J. R., Hart W. H. 1959. A possible association of nematodes with the spread of peash yellow-bud mosaic virus. Plant Disease Reptr., 43, 989 - 990.

24. Rringhurst R. S., Vîth V. 1956. Strawberry virus transmission by grafting excised leaves. Plant Disease Reptr., 40, 596 - 600.

25 Brooks A N. 1931 Crimp - a nematode disease of strawberry. Florida Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 235, 27 pp.

26. Ñadman C. H. 1956. Studies on the etiology and mode of spread of raspberry leaf-curl disease. Jour. Hort. Sci., 31, 111 - 118.

27. Ñadman Ñ. Í. 1959. Some properties of an inhibitor of virus infection from leaves of raspberry. Jour. Gen. MicrobioL, 20, 113 - 138.

28. Ñadman C. H. 1960. Studies on the relationship between soil-borne viruses of the ringspot type occurring in Britain and continental Europe Virology, 11,653 - 664.

29. Ñadman Ñ. Í. 1963. Biology of soil-borne viruses. Annual Rev. Phytopathology, 1, 143 - 172.

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32. Ñ adman C. H., Lister R. M. 1961. Relationship between tomato ringspot and peach yellow-bud mosaic virus. Phytopathology, 51, 29 - 31.

33. Cadman C. H., Lister R. M. ;1962. Relationships and particle sizes of peach yellow-bud mosaic and tomato ringspot viruses. Plant Disease Reptr., 46, 770 - 771.

34 Campbell R. E., Taylor E. A. 1962. Strawberry insects, and how to control them. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers' Bui. 2184, 20 pp.

35. Ñ a nova A., Tacconi R. 1965. Ricerche sui virus della fragola. II. Un virus trasmissibile per succo. Phytopath. Medit., 4, 31 - 37.

36. Ñarver R. G.-1962. A study of the strawberry viruses in Louisiana. Ph. D. thesis. Louisiana State Univ.

37. Carver R. G., Horn N. L. 1962. Effect of mottle virus on the runner production and fruit yield of two Louisiana strawberry seedlings. Phytopathology, 52, 5 - 6. [Abstr.]

38. Carver R. G., Horn N. L., Boudreaux H. B. 1965. Macrosiphum rosac, Acyrthosiphon porosum, and Aphis gossypii as vectors of strawberry viruses in Louisiana. Plant Disease Reptr., 49, 495 - 499.

39 Chamberlain E. E. 1934. A virus disease of strawberry in New Zealand ew Zealand Agr., 49. 226 - 231.

40. Chiykowsk.i L. N. 1962. Clover phyllody virus in Canada, and its transmission. Canadian Jour. Bot., 40, 397 - 404.

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42. Christie J. R., Grossman Louise, 1936. Notes on the strawberry strains of the bud and leaf nematode, Aphelenchoides fragariae. Proc Helm. Soc. Washington, 3, 69 - 72.

43. Collins W. Â., Morgan G. T. 1958. Green petal of strawberry in New Brunswick. Plant Disease Reptr., 42, 339 - 341.

44. Ñîrnuet P., Mîrand J. D. 1960. Infection naturelle des fraisiers (Fragaria spp.) par le virus de la mosaique du tabac. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 250, 1583 - 1584.

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46. Ñraig D. L., Stullz H. T. 1964. Aphid dissemination of strawberry viruses in Nova Scotia. Canadian Jour. Plant Sci., 44, 235 - 239.

47.Ñrîðley R. C. 11958. Erratic transmission of strawberry viruses by grafting excised leaves. East Mailing Research Station. Report for 1957, pp. 124 - 125.

48. Ñrîðley R. C., Ellenberger Christina E., Jha A., 1960. Strawberry mosaic and apple mosaic viruses in strawberry. East Mailing Research Station, Report for 1959, pp. 96 - 97.

49. Crosse J. E., Pitcher R. S. 1952. Studies in the relationship of eelworms and bacteria to certain plant diseases. I. The etiology of strawberry cauliflower disease. Ann. Appl. Biol., 39, 475 - 484.

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51. Darrow G. M. 1955. Leaf variegation in strawberry: A review. Plant Disease Reptr., 39, 363 - 370.

52. Darrow G. M. 1966. The strawberry. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York. 447 pages.

53. Darrow G. M., Goheen A. C., Miller P. W. 1954. The importance of virus diseases in the cultivation of strawberries in the United States. Proc. Amer Soc., 63, 547 - 552.

54. Demaråå J. B. 1948. Yellows or xanthosis in strawberries in the eastern United States. Plant Disease Reptr., 32, 428 - 432.

55. Demaree J. Â., Marcus Ñ. Ð. 1951. Virus diseases of strawberries in the United States with special reference to distribution, indexing, and insect vectors in the East. Plant Disease Reptr., 35, 527 - 537.

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58. Dobie N. D., Vaughan E. K., Miller P. W., Waldî G. F. 1958. New facilities and procedures used for growing disease-free strawberry plants in Oregon. Plant Disease Reptr., 42, 1048 - 1050.

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62. Dumon A. G., Swartele A., 1937. Het ontaardingsvraagstuk bij Fragaria. [The problem of strawberry degeneration.] Agricultura (Louvain), 40, 73 - 84.

[English summary.]

63. Evenhuis H. H. 1958. Investigations on a leafhopper-borne clover virus. Proc. Third Conf. Potato Virus Diseases. Wageningen [Netherlands].

64. Fenton F. A., Ressler I. L. 1921. Artificial production of tipburn Jour. Econ. Ent., 14 (6), 510.

65. Fitzpatriñk R. E., Melior Frances C., 1951. Studies of virus diseases of strawberries in British Columbia. I. The reaction of the British Sovereign variety and the indicator Fragaria vesca to yellows. Canadian Jour. Bot., 29, 182 - 188.

66. Fluiter H. J. de 1957. De aardbeiknotschaarluis en virus-verspreiding. Rev. Appl. Mucol., 36, 600 [Abstr. in Tijdschr. Plantenziekten, 63, 26.].

67. Franklin M. T. 1950. Two species of Aphelencholdes associated with strawberry bud disease in Britain. Ann. Appl. Biol., 35, 1 - 10.

68. Franklin M. Ò., 1964. Aphelenchoides, pp. 131 - 141. In: Sîutheó J. F. (ed.), Plant Nematology Tech. Bui. 7. British Ministry Agr., Fischeries, and Food.

69 Frazier N. W. 1951. New aphid vectors for strawberry viruses. Jour. Econ. Ent., 44, 258 - 259.

70. Frazier N. W. 1953. A latent virus in Fragaria vesca. Plant Disease Reptr., 37, 606 - 608.

71. Frazier. N. W 1955. Tobacco necrosis virus on strawberries. Plant Disease Reptr., 39, 143 - 147.

72. Frazier N. W. 1955. Strawberry vein banding virus. Phytopathology. 45, 307 - 312.

73. Frazier N. W. 1960. Differential transmission of nineteen variations of strawberry mottle virus by Aphis gossypii Glover. Plant Disease Reptr., 44, 12 - 13.

74. Frazier N. W. 1960. Differential transmission of four strains of strawberry vein banding virus by four aphid vestors. Plant Disease Reptr., 44, 436 - 437.

75. Frazier N. W., 1963. Strawberry as a possible useful indicator host of rose viruses. Plant Disease Reptr., 47, 585 - 586.

76. Frazier N. W. 1966. Natural and experimental infection of Rubus with strawberry necrotic shock virus. Phytopathology, 56, 568 - 569.

77. Frazier N. W. 1966. Pseudo mild yellowedge: A new strawberry virus disease in the Fragaria virginiana indivator clone M.-l. Phytopathology, 56, 571 - 572.

78. Frazier N. W. 1966. Nonretention of two semipersistent strawberry viruses through ecdysis by their aphid vector. Phytopathology, 56, 1318 - 1319.

79. Frazier N. W. 1968. Transmission of strawberry mottle virus by juice and aphids to herbaceous hosts. Plant Disease Reptr., 52, 64 - 67.

80. Frazier N. W. 1968. Transmission of strawberry crinkle virus by the dark strawberry aphid, Chaetosiphon jacobi. Phytopathology, 58, 165 - 172.

81. Frazier N. W., Maggenti A. R., 1962. Nematode transmission of yellow-bud mosaic virus to strawberry. Plant Disease Reptr., 46, 303 - 304.

82. Frazier N. W., Posnette A. F. 1956. Leafhopper transmission of a clover virus causing green-petal disease in strawberry. Nature (London). 177, 1030 - 1041.

83. Frazier N. W., Posnette A. F. 1957. Transmission and host range of strawberry greenpetal virus. Ann. Appl. Biol., 45, 580 - 588.

84. Frazier N. W., Posnette A. F. 1958. Relationships of the strawberry viruses of England and California. Hilgardia, 27, 456 - 514.

85. Frazier N. W. Sever in H. H. P. 1945. Weed-host range of Cali-'fornia aster yellows. Hilgardia, 16, 621 - 650.

86. Frazier N. W. Stubbs L. L. 1969. Pallidosis - a new virus disease of strawberry. Plant Disease Reptr., 53, 524 - 526.

87. Frazier N. W., Sylvester E. S. 1960. Half-lives of transmissibility of two aphid-borne viruses. Virology, 12, 233 - 244.

88. Frazier N. W. Thomas H. E. 1953. Strawberry: A host of western aster yellows virus. Plant Disease Reptr., 37, 272 - 275.

89. Frazier N. W. Thomas H. E. 1959. Fate of strawberry plants infected with aster yellows virus in nursery beds. Plant Disease Reptr., 43, 645.

90. Frazier N. W., Jîrgensen P. S., Thomas H. E., Johnson H. F. Jr., 1962. Necrotic shock - a virus disease of strawberries. Plant Disease Reptr., 46, 547 - 505.

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96. Fullîn J. P. 1954. Heat treatments of virus-infected strawberry plants. Plant Disease Reptr., 38, 147 - 149.

97. Fullîn J. P. 1956. Yearly variations in amount of virus in Arkansas strawberry fields. Phytopathology, 46, 12. [Abstr.].

98. Fulton J. P. 1957. Aster yellows virus affecting strawberries in Arkansas. Plant Disease Reptr., 41, 521 - 523.

99. Fulton J. P. 1957. An evaluation of the use of excised-leaf grafts in strawberry virus studies Phytopathology, 47, 521. [Abstr.]

100. Fulton J. P. I9601. Strawberry virus dissemination in Arkansas. Phytopathology, 50, 477 - 479.

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102. Fulton R. H., 1954. A study of virus diseases of strawberry in Michigan. Ph. D. thesis, Michigan State College. 94 pp.

103. Fulton R. H. 1954. Studies on inactivation of the strawberry type 2 virus in vivo. Phytopathology, 44, 489.

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109. Haltvick E. T. 1962. External growth responses and anatomy of strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) affected with several viruses. Dissertation Abstr., 23(4), 1138 - 1139.

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111. Harris R. V. 1932. Grafting as a method of investigating a possible virus disease of the strawberry. Jour. Porno. Hort. Sci., 10, 35 - 41.

112. Harris R. V. 1933. The strawberry "yellow-edge" disease. Jour. Pomol Hort. Sci., 11, 56 - 76.

113. Harris R. V. 1937. Virus diseases in relation to strawberry cultivation in Great Britain. A synopsis of recent experiments at East Mailing. East Mailing Research Station, Report for 1936, pp. 201 - 211.

114. Harris R. V. 1937. Studies in strawberry virus diseases. III. Transmission experiments with crinkle. East Mailing. Research Station, Report for 1936, pp. 211 - 221.

115. Harris R. V. 1938. A bibliographical note on the distinction between mild and severe strawberry crinkle. East Mailing Research Station, Report for 1937, pp. 201 - 202.

116. Harris R. V., Hildebrand A. A. 1937. An investigation of strawberry virus disease in Ontario. Canadian Jour. Res., 15, 252 - 280.

117. Harris R. V., King Mary E. 1940. Review of research on strawberry virus diseases, 1932 - 39. East Mailing Research Station, Report for 1939, pp. 66 - 68.

118. Harris R. V., King Mary E. 1942. Studies in strawberry diseases. V. The use of Fragarla vesca L. as an indicator of yellow-edge and crinkle. Jour. Pomol. Hort. ScL, 19, 227 - 242.

119. Harrison B. D. 1957. Studies on the host range, properties, and mode of transmission of beet ringspot virus. Ann Appl. BioL, 45, 4/62 - 472.

120. Harrison B. D. 1958. Raspberry yellow dwarf, a soil-borne virus. Ann. Appl. BioL, 46, 221 - 229.

121. Harrison B. D. 1958. Further studies of raspberry ringspot and tomato black ring, soil-borne viruses that affect raspberry. Ann. Appl. BioL, 46, 571 - 584.

122. Harrison B. D. 1958. Relationship between beet ringspot, potato bouquet, and tomato black-ring viruses. Jour. Gen. Microbiol., 18, 450 - 460.

123. Harrison B. D. 1964. The transmission of plant viruses in soil. In: Plant virology. Corbett and Sisler (eds.), Univ. Florida Press, pp. 118 - 147.

124. Harrison B. D. 1964. Specific nematode vectors for serologically distinctive forms of raspberry ringspot and tomato black-ring viruses. Virology, 22, 544 - 550.

125. Harrison B. D., Ñadman Ñ. Í. 1959. Role of a dagger nematode (Xiphinema sp.) in outbreaks of plant disease caused by arabis mosaic virus. Nature (London), 184, 1624 - 1626.

126. Harrison B. D., Winslow R. D. 1961. Laboratory and field studies on the relation, of arabis mosaic virus to its nematode vector, Xiphinema diver-sicaudatum (Micoletsky). Ann. Apl. BioL, 49, 621 - 633.

127. Harrison B. D., Mowat W. P., Taylor Ñ. Å. 1961. Transmission of a strain of tomato black-ring virus by Longidorus elongatus (Nematoda). Virology, 14, 480 - 485.

128. Heinze K., Kunze L. 1955. Die europaische Asterngelbsucht und ihre Uebertragung durch Zwergzikaden. Nachr. BL Dtsch. Pflanzenschulzdienst, 7, 161 - 164.

129. Helms Katie. 1962. Strawberry, clover, and pea as host of big-bud virus. Australian Jour. BioL ScL, 15, 278 - 280.

130. Helton A. W. 1963. Collecting and indexing excised strawberry leaves in Idaho. Plant Disease Reptr., 47, 49 - 52.

131. Hildebrand A. A. 1939. Notes on mealybug injury on strawberry, and its resemblance to crinkle. Canadian Jour. Res., 17, 205 - 211.

132. Hildebrand A. A. 1941. The reaction of Fragaria virginiana to the virus of yellow-edge. Canadian Jour. Res., 19, 225 - 233.

133. Hill R. G., Gould W. A. 1955. Strawberries evaluated on the basis of 1953 - 54 station plantings. Ohio Farm Home Res., 40, 20 - 21.

134. Hirschmann H. 1953. The control of leaf nematodes with "Systox". Hofchen-Br. (English edition) 6, 90 - 113.

135. Hopkins J. C. F. 1939. Three important strawberry diseases (mildew, "yellow-edge", and "severe crinkle"). Rhodesia Agr. Jour., 36, 254 - 259.

136. Horn N. L. 1965. A mottle-type symptom ploduced on Fragaria v irginia-na by virus obtained from commercial strawberries. Phytopathology, 55, 1062.

137. Horn N. L., Carver R. G. 1962. Effect of three viruses on plant production and yields of strawberries. Plant Disease Reptr., 46, 762 - 765.

138. Home W. T. 1922. Strawberry troubles. California Agr. Expt. Sta. Rept., 1921 - 22, 122 - 123.

139. Jha Asharfi. 1961. Arabis mosaic virus in strawberry. Jour. Hort. Sci., 36, 219 - 227.

140. Jha Asharfi, Posnette A. F. 1959. Transmission of a virus to strawberry plants by a nematode (Xiphinema sp..). Nature (London), 184, 962 - 963.

141. Jha Asharfi, Posnette A. F. 1961. Transmission of arabis mosaic virus by the nematode Xiphinema diversicaudatum (Micol.). Virology, 13, 119 - 123.

142. Jorgensen P. A. 1957. Strawberry virus transmission by insert graft. Plant Disease Reptr., 41, 1009 - 1010.

143. Kender W. J. 1964. Effects of specific viruses, virus complexes, and nitrogen nutrition on the growth, mineral composition, and flowering of strawberry. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 84, 302 - 309.

144. King Mary F., Harris R. V. 1942. Studies in strawberry virus diseases. IV. Symptom expression of yellow-edge in the variety Royal Sovereign. Jour. Pomol. Hort. Sci., 19, 212 - 236.

145. King T. H., Stingl H. 1963. Strawberry mottle virus latent in Fragaria virginiana (M-1 clone). Plant Disease Reptr., 47, 995 - 997.

146. King T. H., Stingl H. 1963. Fragaria virginiana for vein banding virus of strawberry. Plant Disease Reptr., 47, 998 - 1000.

147. King T. H., Ruden D. H. von 1962. Fragaria virginiana, an indicator host for strawberry latent A virus. Plant Disease Reptr., 45, 772 - 776.

148. Krause W. G. C. 1955. Virusziecten en aaltjes in de aardbeiteelt. Cult, en Hand., 21(4), 171 - 174.

149. Krczal H. 1959. Untersuchungen uber die Verbreitung der Erdbeerblatt-laus Passerinia fragaefolii und das Auftreten von Erdbeervirosen in der Bundes-republik. Phytopath. Z., 37, 1 - 20.

150. Krczal H. 1960. Eine vom Weissklee auf Fragaria vesca L. ubertragbare Virose. Z. Pflanzenkrankheiten, 67, 599 - 602. (English summary.)

151. Êrînenberg H. E. 1943. Autoreferaat van de voordracht voor de Ne-derlandsch Plantenziektenkundige Vereniging op 28 November 1942 te Amsterdam. Virusziekten in aardbeien. Tijdschr. Plantenziekten, 49, 74 - 76. [Abstr. in: Rev. Appl., MucoL, 26, 346, 1947.]

152. Kunkel L. O. 1926. Studies on aster yellows. Amer. Jour. Bot., 13, 646 - 705.

153. Kunkel L. O. 1931. Studies on aster yellows in some new host plants. Boyce Thompson Inst. Contrib., 3, 85 - 123.

154. Kunkel L. O. 1941. Heat cure of aster yellows in periwinkle. Amer. Jour. Bot., 28, 761 - 769.

155. Lachance R. O., Duncan J. 1961. Les petales verts du fraisier et la phyilodie du trefle ladino. Canadian Plant Disease Survey, 41, 269 - 273.

156. Lister R. M. 1958. Soil-borne virus diseases in strawberry. Plant Pathology, 7, 92 - 94.

157. Lister R. M. 1958. Preparation of virus antisera from strawberry. Nature (London), 183, 1814.

158. Lister R. M. 1960. Soil-borne virus diseases. Sci. Hort., 14, 90 - 96.

159. Lister R. M. 1960. Strawberries and soil-borne virus diseases. Agriculture (H. M. S. O.), 67, ;25 - 29.

160. Lister R. M. 1960. Transmission of soil-borne viruses through seed. Virology, 10, 547 - 649.

161. Lister R. M. 1960. Occurrence of soil-borne virus diseases in Britain. Plant Pathology, 9 ,102 - 105.

162. Lister R. M. 1960. Soil-borne viruses as a possible problem in small fruit culture in the United States. Report on a tour of plant virus research centers and fruit-growing areas. May 14 - June 25, 1960. U.S. Dept. Agr., Beltsville, Maryland. (Mimeographed.)

163. Lister R. M. 1963. Studies on viruses and virus diseases affecting strawberry in Scotland. Ph. D. thesis, St. Andrews, Scotland.

164. Lister R. M. 1964. Strawberry latent ringspot: A new nematode-borne virus. Ann. Appl. BioL, 54, 167 - 176.

165. Lister R. M., Êrñzal H. 1962. Ueber das Auftreten des Arabis-Mo-saiks bei der Erdbeere in Deutschland. Phytopath. Z., 45, 190 - 199.

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167. Liu Stephen C. Y. 1958. Biochemical relations of certain strawberry viruses and their mechanical transmission. Dissertation Abstr. 19(4).

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172. MacKinnon W., Collins Â., Colpitts S. R. 1964. A survey of green-petal virus in New Brunswick, and some effects of barriers on spread. Canadian Plant Disease Survey, 44, 91 - 95.

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174. Marcel M. 1936. Etude sur la degenerescence des fraisiers. Bui Mens. Soc. Nat. Hort., 3, 211 - 214.

175. Marcus C. P. 1952. Survey for virus-infected wild strawberry plants in the eastern United States. Plant Disease Reptr., 36, 353 - 354.

176. Marcus C. P., Miller P. W. 1953. Summary of the search for virus-free plants of strawberry varieties. Plant Disease Reptr., 37, 90 - 91.

177. Marshall G. E. 1957. Strawberry virus and insect vectors. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci., 66, 103.

178. Massee A. M. 1933. Further observations on the strawberry tarsonemid mite. East Mailing Research Station, Report for 1932, 20, 117 - 131.

179. Massee A. M. 1935. On the transmission of the strawberry virus "yellow-edge" disease by the strawberry aphid, together with notes on the strawberry tarsonemid mite. Jour. Pomol. Hort. Sci., 13, 39 - 53.

180. Massee A. M. 1936. Studies on the transmission of the strawberry virus "yellow-edge" by insects. II. Aphid transmission experiments and period of infecti-bility. East Mailing Research Station, Report for 1935, pp. 171 - 176.

181. Massee A. M. 1937. Studies on the transmission of the virus "yellow-edge" disease by insects. III. Aphid tranmission experiments and period of infectibi-lity. East Mailing Research Station, Report for 1936, pp. 229 - 31.

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190. Mellor Frances C., Fitzpatrick R. E. 1951. Studies of virus diseases of strawberries in Britisch Columbia. II. The separation of the component viruses of yellows. Canadian Jour. Bot., 29, 411 - 420.

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195. Miller P. W. 1951. Wild strawberries as a source of strawberry virus infection. Plant Disease Reptr., 35, 129 - 130.

196. Miller. P. W. 1951. Studies on the mechanical transmission of strawberry yellows. Plant Disease Reptr., 35, 179.

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198. Miller P. W. 1952. Technique for indexing strawberries for viruses by grafting to Fragaria vesca. Plant Disease Reptr., 36, 94 - 96.

199. Miller P. W. 1953. Effect of hot-water treatment on virus-infected strawberry plants and viruses. Plant Disease Reptr., 37, 609 - 611.

200. Miller P. W. 1954. Indexing strawberries infected with nonpersistent viruses by use of detached leaves and aphids. Plant Disease Reptr., 38, 568 - 571.

201. Miller. P. W. 1954. Inactivation of nonpersistent viruses in strawberry plants by hot-air treatment. Plant Disease Reptr., 38, 827 - 831.

202. Miller P. W. 1958. Comparative efficiency of excised leaf petiole grafts and stolon grafts for transmitting certain strawberry viruses. Plant Disease Reptr., 42, 1043 - 1047.

203. Miller P. W. 1959. Outbreak of witches'-broom disease in Puget Beauty strawberry in Oregon. Plant Disease Reptr., 43, 996 - 997.

204. Miller P. W. 1960. Rapid degeneration of some strawberry varieties and selected seedlings infected with latent Ñ virus in combinations with other viruses. Plant Disease Reptr., 44, 796 - 799.

205. Miller P. W. 1965. Rapid spread of mottle and mild yellow-edge viruses into hybrid strawberry selections. Plant Disease Reptr., 49, 284.

206. Miller P. W., Âelkengren R. O. 1962. Obtaining virus-free strawberries by excising and culturing of apical meristem of plants infected with the yellow-edge, crinkle, and vein banding viruses and certain other virus complexes. Phytopathology, 52, 743 - 744.

207. Miller P. W., Âelkengren R. O. 1963. Elimination of yellow-edge, crinkle, and vein banding viruses and certain other virus complexes from strawberries by excision and culturing of apical meristem. Plant Disease Reptr., 47, 298 - 300.

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212. Morgan G. T. 1965. Effects of strawberry aphid (Pentatrichopus spp.) control on virus spread and yield. Jour. Econ. Ent., 58, 19- 196.

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